Saturday, July 13, 2013

RIP Triton

Here are a few pictures of our beloved cat, Triton. We lost him in June to liver cancer. He was by far the best cat. He never bit or scratched the kids. In fact he enjoyed their company and was always willing to receive attention (even if it wasn't necessarily good). He turned 12 in March. We miss him tremendously and will remember him always.
Hugs from Anne (2yrs)

Hangin' Out

Getting some lovin' from Elle (3yrs)

Posing for the Camera

Taking some abuse from the Twins

Highlights from Spring

Mystic Aquarium with our Science Co-Op

Gram's B-day Party

Making Cupcakes

Roger William's Zoo

We met the Gaddis', Brocks, and Winfields for a fun day.

Ninigret Park with the Seekells

On our way to Mystic Seaport

Mystic Seaport

Father Daughter Dance

Hershey Park

Rocky Acre Farm B&B

We adopted Buttercup from the farm.

School Room

Just thought I'd post a few pics of where much of our learning takes place. While it's definitely what you would call a traditional set up, I'm not a stickler for always working in here. However, it's a comfortable place with easy access to all of our supplies and works well for multi-level teaching. My only rule when they're working independently is that they must be at a table for any sort of writing where penmanship is important (handwriting, spelling, creative writing etc.)

Closet: All math and phonic manipulatives, games, puzzles, and some craft supplies are stored here.

This bookcase holds most subjects, their binders and reference books.
 Anne's workbox is to the left.

Family Computer

Art Supplies and White/Chalkboards

Twin's Table (daily uses include play do, coloring etc.)

This bookcase holds pleasure reading and history/science.

This cabinet holds our blank paper, workbooks, file folder games, sorting boxes for finished work and other misc. items.

Mom's Workspace

Elle and Drew's Workboxes

Two 5ft. folding tables create our work area. The black mats are placed on it for a flat writing surface as the tables tend to be a bit bumpy. In the center I've placed plastic cups in a Starbucks cup tray to hold everything from pencils to paintbrushes and there's also a box crayons.

I wish I could say the room always looks this organized but that would not be true. It gets lots of use and therefore can get abundantly messy at times. We will often have a "quick clean" session at the end of the day to tidy the workspace.