Monday, September 17, 2012

Ruth and Claire's 3rd Birthday Party

We served a Neapolitan Ice Cream Cake: Homemade strawberry and vanilla layer cake with chocolate ice cream, fudge and crushed cookies. Yum!

Bryna and Ruth
 Me and Claire
I love this picture of the twins hugging. So sweet!

Our first pinata!

It was filled with school supplies, stickers, a few small toys and a bit of candy.

Aunty Amy even got in on the action. Though when she tried to hit it, Geoff would move it completely out of the way to make it impossible.

Collecting the loot!

Blowing out the candles. Looking at this picture, I'm shocked neither of the girls' hair caught fire!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last Beach Day

Last week we had house guests and accompanied them to the Narragansett Beach. The tropical storms to our south were kicking up some abnormally high surf for us. It was a bit scary at times as the kids thought they could go out further and handle more than I was insisting they couldn't. I wouldn't let them past their knees and they still were drenched head to toe from waves crashing over them.
After spending a few minutes in the water, we played in the sand for the rest of the morning. I was grateful they were content because I didn't know how many more of the crashing waves my heart could handle.
Ruth and Claire had fun making sand castles and knocking them down.
This is Nate helping Drew build his award winning sand castle. He and Anne were having a contest.
I was teasing Elle because every time I tried to take her picture she was eating.

Here, Anne and Kate are hard at work on their sand "ship".

This is the first castle before Nate laid on it and it had to be rebuilt.

Here's Elle not eating! I had to get proof that she didn't eat the whole time.

Elle and Anne making a quick getaway as the water begins to encroach on their ship.


 The second castle? cave? tunnel?
Anne-- Check out the waves behind her!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Update on Bees

Everything in this house presents a learning opportunity. The discovery of this wasp's nest was no different. We discussed the differences between bees and wasps. (I'm probably annoying some purist reading this with the use of the term "bees" in my titles.) We learned about different nests they build and how many stinging insects they hold (gulp). We even talked about the stages of development with the help of last year's Zoology 1: Flying Creatures science text. However, there are way more fun ways of learning than merely reading and discussing things;
like going at them with a hand saw. 

After inspecting stages of bee wasp development, they also got to torch it. Unfortunately for you I don't have any pictures of that part because I was busy making lunch. I can tell you Geoff was very surprised at how "unflamable" the nest was. They came inside for a second box of matches!
 You'd think with it being made of paper and doused with flamable bug spray it would ignite like a flare.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

(HUGE) Bees Nest

On our walk Friday, we came dangerously close to this.
So the kiddos got creative. They wanted to warn people; and warn people they did.
You couldn't get within 20 feet of it without seeing their cute scary signs.

In looking up this nest on the internet, I discovered a few interesting facts about the residents. Are you aware that a nest this size can hold upwards of 5,000 wasps? Ewww...

These are aerial-nesting yellow jackets (genus Vespula). They are social wasps and can be highly aggressive as opposed to their counterparts, the ground-nesting yellow jackets whom are loners and don't tend to sting unless provoked (like if you inadvertently step on them while out for a stroll). Because they are wasps and not bees, they can sting MULTIPLE times. Yikes!

Brave Geoff went out last night around 10pm when it was dark and cool and sprayed that sucker till it was dripping;
while I watched from behind our front door.

Ice Cream Sandwiches

We had one of my favorite meals tonight; Cobb Salad with rustic sourdough bread. I chopped lettuce, carrots, avacado, hard boiled eggs, chicken and home-grown tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. I crumbled some crispy nitrate-free bacon and we gorged ourselves. Then we had dessert which for the kids was the best part.


Nothing fancy; small store bought chocolate chip cookies we brought home from the church picnic spread with a bit of Nutella (heaven in a jar) then topped with a teeny scoop of icecream. I have 3 sizes of scoops from Pampered Chef and I love them! They are perfect for those of us with a bit of OCD. =)

 Ruth told me "I'm not smiling for the camera!" So instead you get a full mouth/half scowl.
 Claire wouldn't take her eyes off the cookie.

Hungry yet?


Car Trouble

Yesterday was a typical busy Saturday. The "Wood Man" delivered a couple of cords of wood that we were never able to stack. Because of our guests coming on Monday morning from His Mansion Ministries in NH, we decided to clean out the basement and get the guest area ready. It was a chore that took about 2.5 hours. Much longer than expected and I didn't even vacuum or make the bed. We have a large nice finished area down there with a private bath so it's perfect for company. The problem is it gets used as a play area which we're quite lax with cleaning up since no one sees it. We had to organize toys, wash the sofa cover, arrange the game area and restack boxes and boxes AND boxes of the kid's clothes which were recently gone through. Yes it's that time a year here in RI. We start to need a sweater and maybe even a pair of pants in the morning or evening. I'm not complaining actually-- it's my favorite time of year. However it means the 5 kids need new clothes. So as is customary with Spring as well,  I go through the appropriate sizes and our large tote of shoes before shopping for remaining necessities.
We ate lunch a bit later than usual. Geoff ran some errands with Drew and Elle such as going to the dump, the Johnny Cake Center and our all important Saturday Starbucks run =). Anne and I stayed home and picked up the main floor of the house before jumping in the pool for a half hour. When the twins got up from their nap it was time to get ready for Saturday basketball. Getting ready in this house means lots of trips to the bathroom and the inevitable searching the world over for someone's lost shoe. When you have 5 children, you tend to stick with 1-2 pair each so if you can't find one, you're in trouble. Once that (painful) process was over we piled into the van. Geoff just fixed the back seats and spent the last few minutes we had reinstalling their car seats that I had taken out in an attempt at getting my grandmother's electric wheelchair in (a big fail for a post all its own!).
We get buckled, turn the key and get a clicking sound. Uh oh. After looking for obvious reasons why the car won't start, we try again. Click, click, click, click, click.... Ok, time to try a jump. Geoff hooks us up-- by this time we're running about 10 minutes late-- and I turn the key. It STARTS =) then just as quickly it dies... I turn the key a couple more times but am only rewarded with the clicking sound again. Our collective hearts sink until we realize we can fit 3 kids in Geoff's truck and the twin's seats in the back of the Corolla. We get the seats strapped in and everyone buckled. If we leave now we'll make it by 5pm which would be great if it didn't start at 4:30. I start the car and try to use the wipers to wash the windshield of a months worth of pollen and gunk. It's our 3rd vehicle and doesn't get used often but does get regularly started. Anyway, I have no choice but to run and grab paper towel and my vinegar spray because I cannot see out of it. This pushes us even later of course. Finally, I sit, I'm buckled, I have a clear view of the garage in front of me and I put the car in gear and try to back up. The car doesn't want to move. Geoff is now sitting in the middle of our road waiting and watching. I try again. The car still doesn't want to move. I get out and looking at him I throw my hands in the air. His response is normal for any man; "Did you take the brakes off?"
"What do you mean "brakes? Isn't there only one?" I respond as I get back in, certain that I did take off the brake the first time but nevertheless I humor him. And guess what? The car still doesn't want to budge. He comes over and notes that one back tire is spinning and the other is frozen. His response, again normal for any man, is to ask me to move and climb in to try it himself. Sure enough, the right back tire on the Corolla is completely frozen. Ok then. It's now obvious that my going to basketball with him is just not meant to be. I send him off and for the next half hour have to contend with Ruth's meltdown from the disappointment of not "going to the bouncehouse" which we promised was waiting for her at the Mill's house and Claire begging over and over to take/ get another car. I took them for a walk and talked up going home and taking a bubble bath and watching a Veggie Tales video. They weren't thrilled with the alternative but at least the tears were gone.