Friday, February 7, 2014


So much to share since my last post in July... We welcomed our baby boy as scheduled via C-section on July 18. It took me a bit longer to heal as I've had five necessary sections. While most doctors would run for the hills or convince me to quit for fear of disaster and lawsuits, mine continues to encourage and support me. I'll admit that with each I secretly hope for him to remark something like "Don't have any more; It's too dangerous; You have too much scar tissue, etc." so I  would have a definitive answer to the question of how many. Instead he assures me I could have more. God's hand is evident in all of my children and each day with them is a gift. I can relate to the inn keeper from the well known Christmas story; "No more room, Lord-- in my life, in my house, in my finances, in my time..."  Can you imagine if I followed through?

I can't.

God, despite my fear, failings and selfish thoughts continues to bless my womb.

Not my will but Yours be done.

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